> 春节2024 > 大家过年有什么打算呢作文




春节到,春节到,穿新衣,放鞭炮,走亲访友真热闹;压岁钱,装口袋,包饺子,贴春联,小孩盼望春节到. 这一首顺口溜说的是小孩盼望春节的来临.小孩喜欢过年不仅是因为可以穿新衣服,发放鞭炮,还因为可以收到压岁钱。根据中国传统习俗,压岁钱是长辈给晚辈的一种表达祝福和关爱的方式。包饺子和贴春联也是春节传统的活动,是家庭团聚的一部分。通过包饺子可以培养家人之间的亲密感和团结意识,而贴春联则代表着对新年的祝福和期待。小孩们天真可爱的盼望春节的心情也给节日增添了一份乐趣和喜悦。




春节,我和妈妈爸爸回老家过年。 我们刚一到,那老家的山山水水把我深深地吸引住了,高兴的又蹦又跳,因为我多年没回过老家,所以大家都不认识我了,包括家里的狗狗。我想在春节期间,去探索老家的自然风光和乡村风情。中国的农村地区有着独特的自然景观和传统文化,我希望能够亲身体验和感受这种独特的氛围。此外,和家人共度美好时光也是我最想做的事情之一。回老家过年是中国人重要的传统习俗,人们通过团聚、聚餐、祭祖等方式庆祝春节,表达对新年的期待和祝福。




畅想寒假 马上就要放寒假了,我扳着手指数日子,数着数着,陷入了遐想……真好! 经过那折磨人的考试,终于迎来了欢乐的寒假。虽然寒假的时间很短暂,但我还是把它当作是一个珍贵的宝贝。在寒假期间,我希望能够实现几个愿望。首先,我希望能够和好朋友们一起玩耍,享受快乐的时光。其次,我希望能够参加一些有意义的活动,比如参观博物馆、参加音乐培训等等。最后,我还希望能够充分休息和放松,调整身心状态,做好新学期的准备。




In my holiday, I will finish the homework carefully and sometime, I will go out for a walk to relax myself. During the Spring Festival, I plan to spend time with my family and friends, enjoying delicious food and playing games together. I also look forward to receiving red envelopes with lucky money and watching the exciting lion dance performances. This year, I have a special plan to visit the famous tourist attractions in my city with my family. It will be a great opportunity to learn more about the history and culture of my hometown. In summary, I have a well-planned and exciting schedule for my winter vacation and Spring Festival, filled with a mix of leisure, fun, and educational activities.


I\'d like to visit my grandparents in the countryside, for it is the custom. I also want to attend the temple fair, where I can enjoy traditional performances and taste various delicious snacks. Moreover, I plan to make dumplings with my family, which is a meaningful and joyful activity during the Spring Festival. By participating in these activities, I can not only strengthen the bond with my family and experience the traditional customs, but also immerse myself in the festive atmosphere and create beautiful memories.


人人新中都有一个“盼”字,也都有自己盼望的事,而我则盼望着过春节. 春节是一个传统节日,也是一年中最热闹的时候.从小时候开始,我就盼望着过春节. 这个春节,我计划和家人一起吃年夜饭,看春晚,贴春联,放鞭炮以及拜访亲戚。我还打算参加一些社区举办的春节庆祝活动,观赏舞狮表演,品尝传统美食等。总之,我希望能够在这个春节期间充分享受快乐、团聚和欢庆的氛围。


The Spring Festival, as the most important festival in China since ancient times, is always been celebrated with great excitement. On the New Year\'s Eve, families gather for a lavish dinner and watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV. Fireworks and firecrackers light up the sky, bringing good luck and warding off evil spirits. During the festival, people visit relatives and friends, exchange gifts and red envelopes, and wish each other good fortune and happiness. The joyful atmosphere lasts for fifteen days, and on the 15th day, the Lantern Festival marks the end of the Spring Festival celebrations.